The warden of the De Luxington preparatory school for boys was holding a
hearing.  The lad before his desk, a very popular young fellow, was angrily
accusing one of his schoolmates of having assaulted him sexually.
	"I must warn you, m'boy, this is a very serious charge, the warden
	"I don't care.  I tell you it is true.  He raped me, warden."  The
youth pointed to another, somewhat larger boy smirking in the corner.
"That's him, sir, the one who forced me to do all those crimes against
nature.  The bully!"
	"Now tell me, son, as closely as you can, when this happened."
	"Sir, two weeks ago on Wednesday at 4:00, then at 7:00 that same 
evening, on Friday, twice on Saturday, two times on Monday, once on
Wednesday, and then he met that bitch Roy and he hasn't touched me since."