There was once a salesman who had an outstanding record for selling tooth-
brushes.  His boss, wondering at his unlikely success, sent a man out to
follow the salesman on rounds to see what pitch he gave that brought such
good results.  It was soon found that this particular salesman went to the
corner of a busy street and opened up his briefcase, and on one side was the
assortment of toothbrushes, and on the other side various chips and garnishes
and a bowl of brownish stuff.  He would grab a likely customer and give them
the following pitch.
	"Good morning, ma'am, this is a commercial promotion for --- brand
of chip dip.  Would you care to give it a try?"
	At that point the person would try it, then spit it out and scream
in utter disgust, "This tastes like shit!"
	The salesman would smile and say, "It is.  You want to buy a