Link to my gitlab
Previously, I listed my projects here but I got tired of maintaining a list. The initial thought was to host tarballs of the projects because sometimes gitlab can be difficult. Instead, I give you shell magic.
You can get a list of my repos by running:
curl --silent | jq | grep http_url_to_repo | cut -d ':' -f 2,3 | sed -e 's/^\ "//g' -e 's/",//g'
And you can download all of my repos by running:
curl --silent | jq | grep http_url_to_repo | cut -d ':' -f 2,3 | sed -e 's/^\ "//g' -e 's/",//g' | xargs -I % sh -c "git clone %"
I have a few web apps that I'm running in production, they are here:
Generate an 80 column, 64 character punchedcard a la FORTRAN
pre-canned (ie not live) 0x19 webserver stats
I also have other websites
A dinky neocities "web terminal" thing written in javascript.
justletmewrite is a high effort macroblogging website . Currently there aren't many users. This website is an experiment in "what if we made minimm viable high effort text only posts?".
killed projects
9.0x19.orgMy Plan 9 webserver filled with 9 related things Dead, Refer to the Git repository with the code if you miss it. Werc required.. There is also a Static mirror
Mirrors of 0x19 on overlay networks
The tor mirror at http://ilsstfnqt4vpykd2bqc7ntxf2tqupqzi6d5zmk767qtingw2vp2hawyd.onion:8080
has been running nonstop since 1683502668.
The i2p mirror at http://xzh77mcyknkkghfqpwgzosukbshxq3nwwe2cg3dtla7oqoaqknia.b32.i2p:9090
has been running intermittently (it's hard to tell if it's down sometimes) since 1687047776.