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The name 'picoblog' is a parody of the concept of microblogging. See The post about picoblog for more information about picoblogging. Source code here
I am now storing a .sql file instead of the actual sqlite3 database. Makefile rules to dump/resilver the database have been added. This should be nicer to git.
I forgot to link to the tagmap page. I might change the font scaling to be 100+(percent of tags that are this tag)%.
Using a makefile to write new posts. I'm almost surprised my checks to kill the script if the SAPI != "cli" even works with this many layers of scripts calling scripts calling scripts.
php -r 'include "sqlite.php"; new_post();'
I wanted to keep it as simple as possible bit I realized I only had two choices: write clean code that does not scale or buckle and use a real database. Descent. Delusion even. I am not having fun with PDO.

Currently, I am typing the entire html that will get me to the asset I want. I may or may not modify the post creation script to prompt for media type before inserting it into a boilerplate line of html.
This is a smaller version of microblogging.